Tuesday, December 3, 2013

New projects for Dec.

So this is what's happening in my little knitting corner of the world -

I am almost done with this cowl "Leadville Cowl" by Annie Watts from Interweave Knits.

And started a simple pair of ribbed socks. If this yarn looks soft and fluffy... it is! Its Acrylic and Mohair. It is just about the softest yarn I have used. I am hoping it makes real nice socks because I just ordered more of it from Smileys Yarns for $1.99 a skein - HERE
The only problem with Smiley's is that your order needs to over $50. so you can't just order one more skein. I usually go in together with my mom.

1 comment:

  1. Love the cowl. The color is great. I dont think I have ever tried that yarn.
